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Tarkine Mining: Mt Lindsay Rainforest

The debate over Tarkine mining continues to gain momentum with news last week that one of the recently approved mines at Nelson Bay River may need to stop work and put people off work only months after commencing operations.

Tarkine mining - Mt Lindsay, Tasmania

Tarkine mining – Mt Lindsay & Parsons Hood in north west Tasmania

Another controversial minesite is deep within the rainforests of Mt Lindsay, where tin and tungsten is to be mined at the expense of some wonderful Tasmanian rainforest. The lifespan of the mine is only expected to be two years but the damage to this rainforest ecosystem will be immense.

Myrtle rainforest Mt Lindsay, Tarkine

Myrtle rainforest Mt Lindsay, Tarkine

The rainforest on Mt Lindsay is dominated by myrtle beech (Nothofagus cuninghamii) and the understory contains lovely native laurel, leatherwood and sassafras trees.

Myrtle Rainforest and native laurel, Mt Lindsay

Myrtle Rainforest and native laurel in the Mt Lindsay mine site

Some of the myrtles on Mt Lindsay really are quite magnificent. Myrtles tend to grow quite tall and gnarly, with burls and twisted branches reaching into the misty sky. For such a paltry short term gain it is sad to think scenes like these could be lost.

Myrtle rainforest on the Mt Lindsay minesite

Myrtle rainforest on the Mt Lindsay minesite

Tarkine rainforest mine site - Mt Lindsay

Tarkine rainforest mine site – Mt Lindsay

I have a couple of previous posts from the Mt Lindsay Tarkine mine site – click here for a short video and here for more photos.

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Tarkine Fungi: Corinna and surrounds
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About Luke

Luke has been photographing Tasmania for more than 20 years now. Luke runs small group tours and has a large range of prints and cards available as well as his new book "Timeless Tasmania". You can follow Luke's photographic travels on Twitter at @lukeobrienphoto, at his Facebook page or by subscribing to his email newsletter.