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Tasman Bridge in Blue Hour

This shot has been a little goal of mine for a while now – just a nice, calm shot of the city lights including the Tasman Bridge under the imposing backdrop of Mt Wellington. I wasn’t after a flashy sunset, and I wanted calm weather and clear skies, which we have had in abundance recently across Tasmania. So last night, I zipped down to Montagu Bay after sunset, waited for the blue hour to kick in and snapped away 🙂

Hobart city skyline Tasman Bridge

The Hobart skyline including the Tasman Bridge all lit up during blue hour

For those who don’t know, the blue hour is basically just after sunset, or just before dawn for that matter, and in particular on clear days, a beautiful deep blue sky is usually the result. Last night there were no clouds at all, and very little wind and I thought it could be a good opportunity to scratch this particular itch – I’ve been after this shot for a fair while now and just haven’t gotten round to it…

Hobart city skyline Tasman Bridge

Earlier, and wider (15mm) shot. Wasn’t bad, but not quite what I was after…

These shots were taken around 6:00 last night, around 40 minutes after sunset. I shot a couple of shots at 15mm, but then settled on 18mm. The 15-30mm produces some beautiful star bursts around bright lights, right across the frame. Here’s a crop.

Starburst – crop

All in all very happy with the results of the short trip. And in answer to the question I know you are all asking, yes, it is available as a print in my new online store  🙂


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About Luke

Luke has been photographing Tasmania for more than 20 years now. Luke runs small group tours and has a large range of prints and cards available as well as his new book "Timeless Tasmania". You can follow Luke's photographic travels on Twitter at @lukeobrienphoto, at his Facebook page or by subscribing to his email newsletter.