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Tessellated Pavement Sunrise

A good Tessellated Pavement sunrise shot is a must for any photographer visiting Tasmania. Over the past 12 months I’ve run a few private tours for one or two guests at a time, and next March I will be running my first small group workshop in the area.

Tessellated Pavement sunrise.

Tessellated Pavement sunrise.


Tasman Peninsula photography workshop Tasmania

Cormorant taking it easy one morning.

The Tessellated Pavements is a classic, and I have visited here many, many times over the years. That said, it is the kind of spot that always shows a new side. And of course the light at sunrise is something else down here.

Tessellated Pavement sunrise

Strong, sharp edges and rock pools abound 🙂


Nice soft morning light and cloud patterns

Nice soft morning light and cloud patterns


Tessellated Pavement sunrise

Awesome light 🙂

My new workshop is running as a very small group, maximum of 4 guests only so we have plenty of space as we explore the Tessellated Pavement, Cape Raoul Lookout, Remarkable Cave and more wonderful little spots. We’ll also be enjoying the Tasman Island Cruise. Click here for all the details.

Pre dawn light and rushing water. Tessellated Pavement, Tasmania

Pre dawn light and rushing water. Tessellated Pavement, Tasmania


Tessellated Pavement sunrise. Tasman Peninsula

Awesome 🙂

I hope you can join me!

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About Luke

Luke O'Brien runs a stall at Hobart's popular Salamanca Market every Saturday where his prints and cards are available for purchase. Follow Luke's photographic adventures on Twitter at @lukeobrienphoto, at his Facebook page or by subscribing to his email newsletter.