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Comet Leonard from kunanyi/Mt Wellington Tasmania

Comet Leonard

Last night I took advantage of the clear skies and lack of moonlight to get out and see if I could capture Comet Leonard. I decided on kunanyi/Mt Wellington as I hadn’t been up there in ages, and given the comets location in the western sky I thought the other side of Hobart’s city lights might be a good idea!
Comet Leonard from kunanyi/Mt Wellington Tasmania

Comet Leonard in the skies above Hobart, Tasmania. Shot from kunanyi/Mt Wellington. ISO 2000, 60 second exposure. December 28, 2021

After locating the comet, which was in the general vicinity of Saturn (by far the brightest “star” in that part of the sky) the next toughest bit was getting a shot without some piece of space junk in the way!! Many, perhaps even most of my shots from the evening included a solid stretch of white line from a satellite. The night sky most certainly isn’t what it used to be…
Comet Leonard from kunanyi/Mt Wellington Tasmania

My first successful shot of the comet, in blue hour, around 10:30.

These shots were all captured with my Pentax K1 and made full use of the astro tracer function. I was using my 70-200mm lens for the evening. Try as I might, I could not see the comet with my naked eye this evening.
Comet Leonard from kunanyi/Mt Wellington Tasmania

Comet Leonard and some satellite. 20 second exposure, ISO 3200


Comet Leonard from kunanyi/Mt Wellington Tasmania

ISO 2000, 60 second exposure while the sky still had a tinge of blue


Comet Leonard from kunanyi/Mt Wellington Tasmania

Grrr, more space junk…

And then, around midnight or so, just as I was thinking it was time to leave, a tiny little little aurora popped up. So it turned into quite a busy night. Us landscape photographers just never stop working 😉
Aurora australis Tasmania

Very faint aurora over a foggy Kingston and Huon Valley with the bright lights of Hobart


Aurora and Milky Way from kunanyi/Mt Wellington

Aurora and Milky Way from kunanyi/Mt Wellington


Aurora and Milky Way from kunanyi/Mt Wellington

Aurora and Milky Way from kunanyi/Mt Wellington

A great evening out!
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About Luke

Luke has been photographing Tasmania for more than 20 years now. Luke runs small group tours and has a large range of prints and cards available as well as his new book "Timeless Tasmania". You can follow Luke's photographic travels on Twitter at @lukeobrienphoto, at his Facebook page or by subscribing to his email newsletter.