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Leeawuleena – Sleeping Waters

Leeawuleena – or “Sleeping Waters” is the aboriginal name for Lake St Clair. Here is a selection of dawn shots taken on the lakes edge. Utterly peaceful and serene.

Cynthis Bay and dawn mist, Lake St Clair

Cynthis Bay and dawn mist, Lake St Clair

Lake St Clair is a beautiful spot. Many of Tasmania’s best bushwalks start (and finish!) here. The Mt Rufus day walk, the Labyrinth area and the world famous Overland Track just for starters. A little further afield you have the Traveller Range and Walls of Jerusalem, the King William Range and Frenchmans Cap – a bushwalkers mecca! These shots were captured around Cynthia Bay and the boat ramp.

Mt Ida amid the morning mist, Lake St Clair

Mt Ida amid the morning mist, Lake St Clair

Mt Olympus amid the morning mist, Lake St Clair

Mt Olympus amid the morning mist, Lake St Clair

Mt Olympus amid the morning mist, Lake St Clair

Mt Olympus amid the morning mist, Lake St Clair

I had two cameras with me, so while I was composing and shooting with one, I sat the other still and shot a few timelapse sequences of the morning mist rushing over the lake. Below is the first one I have put together but as time goes by I will complete a few more.

Leeawuleena – Mt Olympus and the sleeping waters of Lake St Clair at dawn from Luke O’Brien on Vimeo.


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About Luke

Luke has been photographing Tasmania for more than 20 years now. Luke runs small group tours and has a large range of prints and cards available as well as his new book "Timeless Tasmania". You can follow Luke's photographic travels on Twitter at @lukeobrienphoto, at his Facebook page or by subscribing to his email newsletter.