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Raptor Refuge Art & Photography Workshop

I will be presenting a workshop over 2 days with wildlife artist Katherine Cooper at the Raptor Refuge on the weekend of April 18 & 19, 2015. The Raptor Refuge is not open to the public so this is a very unique opportunity to spend an extended period of time here, meeting “Raptor Man” Craig Webb, and discussing and practicing photography and painting with myself and Katherine.

Raptor Refuge Tasmania Art & Photography Workshop

Raptor Refuge Tasmania Art & Photography Workshop – April 18 & 19 2015.

The workshop involves 2 days at the refuge and transport between Hobart and the Refuge is included. Upon arrival, Craig will give a welcome presentation and discuss the aims and objectives of the refuge. You will also be introduced to many of the magnificent raptors in Craig’s care. You will also be treated to gourmet Tasmanian produce with lunch, morning and afternoon tea included.

Raptor Refuge Tasmania: Painting & Photography Workshop Tasmania

Raptor Refuge Tasmania: Painting & Photography Workshop April 18 & 19, 2015

We will then move onto a photographic session where we will discuss technique and practice shooting. During the afternoon we will break into two groups – those interested in the painting side will work with Katherine while those who are interested in photography will continue with me. There will be time for a post processing session during one of the afternoons. Click here to see the highlights of the previous Raptor Reflections workshop.

Raptor Refuge Tasmania Craig Webb

Raptor Refuge Tasmania Craig Webb

Raptor Refuge Art & Photography Workshop: Full Details

“Raptor Reflections” – An Artists Impression

Weekend workshop of painting and photography of Tassie’s amazing raptors.


** This workshop is a major financial contributor to the ongoing conservation work undertaken at the refuge, with 40% donated to the refuge **

DATES: April 18 & 19, 2015

TIMES: Depart Hobart at 9:00; and return 17:00, both days

BOOKINGS: Contact Luke for booking form. A deposit of $100 is required at time of booking and balance must be received 21 days prior to the workshop.

Note: Booking arrangements (invoicing etc) will be made through “Leatherwood Tasmania Tours”, of which Luke O’Brien is co-proprietor.

Raptor Refuge Tasmania Art & Photography Workshop

Raptor Refuge Tasmania Art & Photography Workshop

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About Luke

Luke has been photographing Tasmania for more than 20 years now. Luke runs small group tours and has a large range of prints and cards available as well as his new book "Timeless Tasmania". You can follow Luke's photographic travels on Twitter at @lukeobrienphoto, at his Facebook page or by subscribing to his email newsletter.