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Southern Lights Tasmania – Cradle Mountain!

Something wonderful happened on Saturday November 9 2013 – the aurora australis, or southern lights, made an impromptu guest appearance! As luck would have it I was up at Cradle Mountain, doing some tour planning for Leatherwood Tasmania Tours. As it turned out the show was quite brief, and the best part of the show was partly obscured by clouds but although brief, it was spectacular. As the night wore on, the clouds cleared and the lake became perfectly still so I even managed to capture the end of the aurora, with Cradle Mountain and the southern cross reflecting in Dove Lake!

Those interested in more of my aurora photos should check my aurora australis Tasmania index page. Alternatively, please like my Facebook Page for updates, as I always post when shooting an aurora.

In the meantime, please enjoy these shots from the other night 🙂

Aurora australis, or Southern lights, at Cradle Mountain, November 9 2013

Aurora australis, or Southern lights, at Cradle Mountain, November 9 2013

Aurora australis, or Southern lights, at Cradle Mountain, November 9 2013

Aurora australis, or Southern lights, at Cradle Mountain, November 9 2013

Aurora australis, or Southern lights, at Cradle Mountain, November 9 2013

Aurora australis, or Southern lights, at Cradle Mountain, November 9 2013

Aurora australis, or Southern lights, at Cradle Mountain, November 9 2013

Aurora australis, or Southern lights, at Cradle Mountain, November 9 2013

Aurora australis, or Southern lights, at Cradle Mountain, November 9 2013

Aurora australis, or Southern lights, at Cradle Mountain, November 9 2013

Aurora australis, or Southern lights, at Cradle Mountain, November 9 2013

Aurora australis, or Southern lights, at Cradle Mountain, November 9 2013

Aurora australis, or Southern lights, at Cradle Mountain, November 9 2013

Aurora australis, or Southern lights, at Cradle Mountain, November 9 2013

These images are presented in the order that I took them so you can clearly see the peak was brief and soon faded to just a glow on the southern horizon. We could clearly see beams and a massive glow as we drove to Dove Lake and even though there was some cloud, it was a simply amazing sight to behold.

In a few days I will be up at Cradle Mountain again, running the “Tasmanian Experience” Photography Workshop with Michael Snedic – I cannot guarantee an aurora, but if there is any chance of one occuring during the workshop (as indeed it did in March 2013 at Coles Bay) I will make sure we get out and photograph it 🙂

Images are available as prints, please contact me to enquire.

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Tasmanian Experience – report from Cradle Mountain
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About Luke

Luke has been photographing Tasmania for more than 20 years now. Luke runs small group tours and has a large range of prints and cards available as well as his new book "Timeless Tasmania". You can follow Luke's photographic travels on Twitter at @lukeobrienphoto, at his Facebook page or by subscribing to his email newsletter.