Styx Valley: Photographing Tasmania’s Wild Forests
For an out of the way location, the Styx Valley is surprisingly accesible, and full of wonderful photographic reward. The area is known for it’s reserve of giant eucalypts which tower above a lovely rainforest understory which is full of exquisite green moss, gnarled old trees and tiny details that you don’t fully appreciate until you get down and dirty and put your macro lens on.

Macro photography – tiny fungi in the Styx Valley
At the other end of the spectrum of photographic delights are the giant trees – the Styx is often referred to as the Valley of the Giants, in reference to the multitude of 80+ metre high eucalypts (mostly Eucalyptus regnans, literally the “king” of the eucalypts). But walking through the understorey you will also be amazed at the size of the tree ferns and myrtles which abound here.

Ancient Myrtle in Tasmania’s Styx Valley
The Styx Valley is the destination of one of my photography tours & workshops. Join me on a guided photographic visit to this magnificent area, along with an a photo shoot in the nearby Mt Field National Park and Tasmania’s most beautiful waterfalls, Russell & Horseshoe.

Beautiful rainforest on the banks of the Styx River, Tasmania
Photographing rainforest and waterfalls is a wonderful experience, especially during late winter and spring when the waterfalls are full of water and the mosses are a vibrant green. All tours start and finish at the Landscapes Gallery on Melville St. Workshops run on mutually convenient/negotiated dates, any day of the week, with a minimum of 2. Please get in touch via details below to book a place!
Luke O’Brien Photography – Guided Tours, Tuition & Workshops
Ph: (03) 6231 9964