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Tarkine Trails Guide to Visiting the Tarkine

Tarkine Trails is a new guide book for those looking to get out and explore the Tarkine at their own pace. Launched in December 2015, the guide is filled with magnificent photographs of the wild landscapes of the Tarkine by many Tasmanian photographers – myself included 🙂

Tarkine Trails Book Cover

Tarkine Trails, by the Bob Brown Foundation, includes photos, maps and guides to exploring the vast Tarkine in north west Tasmania

Many Tasmanian bookstores are stocking the book, or it can be purchased directly from the Bob Brown Foundation. Purchasing directly from the Foundation does of course mean that funds raised from the sale will go towards the ongoing campaign of National Park and World Heritage listing of this amazing area.

Tarkine Trails Book Back Cover

Tarkine Trails book – back cover

There is a full range of walks in the Tarkine region – from short and family friendly paths through the forest not far from the main access roads; right through to 4WD accessible tracks that are only recommended to very experienced walkers. The walks on offer are through a variety of landscapes – including rainforest, buttongrass plains, remote mountain tops, and the rugged west coast. There is also a section on kayaking, as well as a description of services in the area and tips and advice on traveling safely in the region.

Tarkine Trails Guide Book Tasmania

The Philosophers Falls walk, with one of my photos to accompany is described in detail in the new book.

All in all it is a brilliantly produced and high quality guide book, and essential for anyone planning to visit the region. For anyone keen to visit as part of a small group tour, I am of course about to embark upon another Tarkine Photography Workshop from May 2-6 and places are still available. Contact me to book a place!

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About Luke

Luke has been photographing Tasmania for more than 20 years now. Luke runs small group tours and has a large range of prints and cards available as well as his new book "Timeless Tasmania". You can follow Luke's photographic travels on Twitter at @lukeobrienphoto, at his Facebook page or by subscribing to his email newsletter.