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Styx Valley Big Tree Reserve Tasmania

Styx Valley aerial shoot

My first trip out once corona virus travel restrictions were lifted a couple of weeks ago was the Styx Valley and Tims Track. I was keen to go on a bit of a fungi hunt but also took the drone in case there was some nice morning mist to be had. There was 🙂

Mist shrouds the Styx "Valley of the Giants"

Mist shrouds the Styx “Valley of the Giants”

I went up for a look, and saw some lovely mist further down the river so flew off for a closer inspection and found these scenes, and burnt through a battery pretty quickly as, totally engrossed, I shot away.

Tall trees in the mist, Styx Valley

Tall trees in the mist, Styx Valley

One feature I’ve been quite enjoying is the video “hyperlapse”, which works particularly well with mist, so I set up a shoot and pressed go. After a few minutes I started getting somewhat worrying “weak radio signal” alerts, and I didn’t fancy searching for a crashed drone in this sort of forest so I pulled the little fella back very quickly at that point – I certainly didnt want to lose these images!

Back near the big tree reserve, I pointed the camera straight down and viewed the Styx River from directly above. The various greens of the forest contrasting against the deep blue of the river was stunning.

Styx River aerial photo

Styx River – viewed from 120 metres, straight up

The Big Tree Reserve itself was still catching a bit of morning light and made for a nice shot too.

Early morning light on the mist shrouded tall trees of the Styx Valley

Early morning light on the mist shrouded tall trees of the Styx Valley


Styx Valley Big Tree Reserve

Styx Valley Big Tree Reserve

All in all a fantastic morning out, and I am very happy that we are more or less free to travel around Tasmania again. Oh, and those fungi photos? I got some and I’ll get to them before too much longer…

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About Luke

Luke has been photographing Tasmania for more than 20 years now. Luke runs small group tours and has a large range of prints and cards available as well as his new book "Timeless Tasmania". You can follow Luke's photographic travels on Twitter at @lukeobrienphoto, at his Facebook page or by subscribing to his email newsletter.