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Tasmanian Photography Locations Part I: Gordon River Road

I am often asked what my own personal favourite location to shoot in Tasmania is and funnily enough I always struggle to have one straight off the bat answer, so I thought I’d compile a list of 5 regions which have provided me with some of my most memorable photographic experiences over the past few years.

Part 1: Gordon River Road & South West Tasmania

Tasmanian photography locations: South West Tasmania

Tasmanian photography locations: South West Tasmania

South West Tasmania is a World Heritage Listed National Park which is mostly roadless and only accesible on foot. The Gordon River Rd is the main way to access the Park from the north, and along the way also takes visitors to other major scenic attractions such as Mt Field National Park, the giant eucalypts of the Styx Valley, the rainforests of the Florentine Valley. You can also access any number of walking tracks which range from day walks (such as The Needles, Mt Wedge, Mt Anne) to multi-day remote walking tracks (such as the Arthurs or Lake Rhona). In fact, any one of the destinations above could stand alone as a photographic destination worthy of spending a few days, so the humble Gordon River Road, being the one road that links them all, is absolutely worthy as a top photographic location to make time for.

Photographic Highlights:

Russell Falls at Mt Field: One of Tassie’s most visited waterfalls, spectacular after rain. Beautiful rainforest setting, surrounded by ferns and tall forest. Just don’t expect to have the place to yourself!

Tasmanian photography locations: Russell Falls, Mt Field

Tasmanian photography locations: Russell Falls, Mt Field

Tarn Shelf at Mount Field: Beautiful series of tarns, set in front of the craggy Rodway Range. Great at any time of the year.

Styx Valley & Upper Florentine Valley: Giant eucalypts and wonderful dark rivers and creeks clad in deep green rainforest.

South West: There is so much to explore in the south west that it is hard to say where to start. Any mountain peak will give you views that you will remember for a long time. Well known tracks include Mt Wedge and Mt Anne; places that are perhaps a little more remote/less visited could include Lake Rhona and Schnells Ridge.

Tasmanian photography locations: Lake Pedder, South West

Dusk over Lake Pedder in Tasmania’s south west

Part 2 Coming Soon!

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Tasmania’s Best 5 Photography Locations: Tarkine
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About Luke

Luke has been photographing Tasmania for more than 20 years now. Luke runs small group tours and has a large range of prints and cards available as well as his new book "Timeless Tasmania". You can follow Luke's photographic travels on Twitter at @lukeobrienphoto, at his Facebook page or by subscribing to his email newsletter.